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March 31, 2021 • 3 min read

Our VIREN AI platform accelerates digitization across numerous industries.

Some of our most successful realizations with customers have been made with our VIREN platform. In this second part of our blog series, we'll explain how VIREN could help your organisation in its digitization process.

VIREN helps companies in rule-driven industries make better financial decisions using artificial intelligence. Our developers built this unique platform in-house. We have produced several tools based on VIREN in recent years, in various niches. These three companies are already successfully using VIREN today:

1. SD Worx helps SME's with Buddy

Buddy is a digital social secretariat tailored to SME's. The tool, based on VIREN technology, helps companies with payroll administration. Buddy calculates the wages of employees in real-time, without intermediaries. Business owners get a clear view of the current and future wage costs. Personnel matters such as contracts and information about laptops, cars, or smartphones can all be managed in Buddy.

2. Gross-net calculator from Xerius

Xerius helps freelancers and self-employed people with their administration and supports them in the area of social security. The company launched the first interactive online tool to enable starting self-employed entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs to calculate their expected income. The aim of the tool is to lower the threshold to entrepreneurship. Consult the tool online here.

3. TCO-tool of B-xpertive

B-xpertive specializes in analysis and sales tools for the automotive industry. Based on VIREN, the company from Sint-Job-In-'t-Goor has launched a tool to calculate the total cost of ownership of cars. The TCO-Analyzer helps manufacturers, dealers and sales reps to give a clear overview to the customer.

We call VIREN a "decision engine" because it enables users to make better decisions faster. Our engine helps to realize the potential of digitalization in a wide variety of niches. VIREN can be used in all sectors where regulation and compliance are central.

Sounds abstract? Not anymore when you've read our examples below.

1. Taxes and taxation

With VIREN, we can build a tool for a tax expert that calculates and optimizes the personal tax or VAT. Or a tool that estimates import duties, for example, for port companies. Are you the tax consultant or financial expert we can start a co-creation with?

2. Health insurance funds

Health insurance companies need flexible tools to calculate reimbursement. Such tools enable them to think ahead. Suppose you only have to scan a doctor's bill to get the correct refund. That's customer-friendly and it simplifies administration. With VIREN, theory can become a reality.

3. Social insurance fund

A self-employed person is obliged to affiliate with a social insurance fund of his choice. Based on the VIREN platform, we can develop tools that help social insurers to calculate social contributions correctly, quickly and efficiently.

4. Banks

VIREN calculates super fast and error-free. Bank employees can use a VIREN tool to immediately calculate credits for potential customers, depending on their individual situation. Perfectly tailored, so your customer can make faster and better-informed decisions.

5. Energy sector

The combination of green and traditional energy sources provides us with more opportunities than ever. Energy suppliers plan their energy purchases far ahead. How much energy from which sources will be available next week, month, or year? With our tooling, it becomes possible to clearly map this complex question. The correct amount of energy output at the exact moment it's needed. Would be nice, no?

6. Notary

The calculation of inheritance tax is a complex matter. How is an inheritance correctly distributed? Which points must be taken into account? VIREN makes it possible to translate the existing legislation into a precise, intuitive tool that allows you to zoom in quickly on specific cases. It enables the notary to offer a correct, tailor-made answer in every situation.

7. Insurance

An actuary, also known as an insurance mathematician, calculates and evaluates insurance products' financial and economic risks. The calculating power of VIREN allows him to work faster and more efficiently.

8. Trade Unions

Trade unions can correctly calculate whether employees will receive the correct severance payment. VIREN allows simulations to be carried out in collective dismissal negotiations so that various proposals can be weighed up. It will enable controlling whether all obligations are respected.

9. Leasing companies

Determining the total-cost-of-ownership and residual value of a leased vehicle is not a simple matter. Various parameters influence the cost price. With VIREN, leasing companies can quickly and correctly determine the situation for each vehicle and each customer.

Are you active in one of these sectors? Are you interested in talking with us about our VIREN technology? We're happy to make time for you.